General Protestant Spiritual Guide

Hopewell, VA
Part Time

Job Title:General Protestant Spiritual Guide
Location: Hopewell , VA 23860

⦁    Emphasize the importance of developing & maintaining relationships as they return back to society.
⦁    Guide them to deepen their faith, utilizing the spiritual practices of their tradition as a foundation.
⦁    Encourage spiritual transformation as the starting point for wellness and successful reentry.
⦁    Provide tools to help them respond constructively to their fears which activate anger trigger points.
⦁    Help them manage their emotions and sharpen their growth in maturity upon returning to society.
⦁    Implement a spiritual formation curriculum for participants to support a sustainable emotional health and physical wellness.
⦁    In place of self-reliance, nurture a concern for others and the community. Deepen undestanding of the importance of social values, integrity and the practical application of responsibility and accountability through Community Service.
⦁    Increase job seeking and employment skills.
⦁    To minister, teach and share faith with diverse traditions.
⦁    Evaluate participants' performance based upon how well they receive information and application.

Education & Qualifications:
⦁    Three years experience an earned Bachelor's Degree and that directly relates to religious leadership.
⦁    Five years experience and an earned Bachelor's Degree that directly relates to religious leadership.
⦁    Seven years experience and an Associate Degree that directly relates to religious leadership.


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