Jewish Rabbi

Part Time
Mid Level
Background: The Pentagon Chaplains’ Office requires a Jewish Worship service to support the Pentagon Community and provide the free exercise of religion.
Job Title: Jewish Rabbi.
Location: Pentagon Chaplain’s Office Washington, DC 20301-6608
Schedule: 12:30 – 13:15 each Thursday
  1. Possess Jewish Chaplains Council endorsement, dated within the past 12 months.
  2. Possess the Divinity degree, normally based upon completions of 4 years of study, or possess equivalent educational qualifications.
  3. Experienced in providing religious care in a Military environment.
  1. Be an information resource on birth, marriage, death, sickness, and dietary needs for DoD personnel who are Jewish, as needed.
  2. Provide pastoral care and spiritual counseling for DoD personnel (who are Jewish) that may seek help before or after the Thursday Service.
  3. Perform special Jewish feasts or Holy days as needed by Pentagon Chaplain.

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