JOB TITLE : Catholic Religious Education Coordinator
LOCATION : Moody Chapel,Moody AFB , GA 31699
Manage all Catholic program requirements,
Submit annual Catholic requirements and RE programming budget proposal for approval to the chaplain in charge of the Catholic service.
Provide an annual calendar to the Parish and parents of all religious education students.
Coordinate all support requirements with the Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund Contract Officer or Appropriated Funds Resource Advisor.
Recruit, train, support and supervise volunteers for all required Catholic services and RE programs.
Coordinate background checks through the Chapel Installation Records Check Manager on all catechists, volunteers who have direct contact with children under the age of 18 years.
Provide catechists and volunteer training on, at least, a quarterly basis,
Develop, plan, coordinate and manage a comprehensive RE Program under the direction of the chaplain in charge of the Catholic program.
A bachelor’s degree is preferred. If advanced certificate of Catechesis or academic equivalent is not held, coordinator must pursue the advanced certificate within the first year contract.
Experience with Catholic Religious Education and the whole spectrum of Roman Catholic Liturgical practices is required.
Be an AMS certified Catechist (or at least to be currently enrolled in the AMS certification program).
Be able to recruit, train, maintain, and coordinate a qualified volunteer base to coverall Religious Education events and programs.