Job title :Catholic Parish Musician. Location :Kirtland Air Force Base Catholic Parish, 1950 2nd St SE, Albuquerque, NM 87116, United States Schedule : Services on Sunday, rehearsals during the week. Qualifications :
Be able to read music and have experience in a wide range of music to include the Roman Catholic style of liturgical music.
Be fully qualified on standard piano and electronic keyboard. In addition, experience or proficiency with other musical instruments is desirable.
Have two (2) years musical training, or possess six (6) years’ experience as a musician in a Catholic Church or chapel setting.
Participate in a qualifying interview and be able to clearly express the details of basic Catholic liturgical worship.
Duties :
Ensure all music requirements are met.
Prepare and lead music for Protestant worship service during the agreed upon times with instrumental, choral, congregational, and musical presentations as required.
Set up and take down all equipment used to provide music for the Mass and practice sessions.
Maintain a professional working relationship with chapel staff, congregation, and other personnel to achieve duties as necessary.