Chaplains; Assistance Required of Commanding Officers.
Shall furnish all supplies, equipment, facilities and services required to perform work.
Task 1, Conduct Mass: shall provide regular Mass on Sunday’s at Frontier Chapel (0930) as needed.
Shall complete Sunday Mass 0930-1030 at Frontier Chapel.
Shall arrive with adequate time to prepare for Sunday Mass and Sunday confessions (0830). The candidate completes the service no later than 1030 as the facilities is shared with other religious groups. The candidate will offer the appropriate sacraments for the particular Sunday he renders service.
Task 2, Weekly Mass: shall provide the weekly Mass Tuesday through Friday (1200-1300) as needed.
Shall complete Weekly Mass 0930-1030 at Pioneer Chapel.
Shall arrive with adequate time to prepare for Weekly Mass and offer the appropriate sacraments for the particular day he renders service.
Task 3, Sunday Confessions: shall provide Sunday Confessions (0830) as needed.
Must ensure accessibility to parishioners at 0830 Sundays at Frontier Chapel and take confessions up request.
Shall, upon request, shall take confessions and act in accordance with the Archdiocese of the Military Services.
Task 4, Special Services: shall provide Special Services (nine sacramental services in accordance to the Roman Missal following the guidelines of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and the Divine Worship Commission of United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) as needed.
Shall provide Special Services in accordance with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Shall provide Special Services and act in accordance with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Task 5, Provide Sacraments: shall provide additional Sacraments (Baptism, Marriage, Anointing of the Sick, Eucharist) as needed.
Shall provide Sacraments such as, but not limited to, Baptism, Marriage, Anointing of the sick, and Eucharist upon request.
Shall, upon request, shall provide Sacraments in accordance with the Archdiocese of the Military Services.
Must be a United States citizen.
Educations & Certifications:
Commercial certification or proof of formal training completion (training certificate).