Services to be performed will include Masses, Sacraments, office administration, counseling, and ministry/volunteer training.
The applicant is responsible for conducting business, between the hours of 0800 -1200 and 1300 – 1600, Monday thru Friday.
Conduct Mass every Sunday. At an authorized time.
Conduct Mass on work weekdays upon request.
Conduct Mass for the Holy Days of Obligation including Mary, Mother of God, Ascension, Assumption of Mary, All Saints Day, Immaculate Conception, and Christmas.
Supervise and facilitate a program of Religious Education (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) for grades K thru 12. This includes sacramental preparation for First Penance, First Eucharist and Confirmation.
Administer documentation and certificates incident to receiving particular sacraments and submit all records to the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA.
Provide Adult Educational opportunities in the form of Scripture Studies, Catholic Enrichment, or Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Coordinate Liturgical Preparation with Director of Music for Sunday Liturgy and special seasonal celebrations.
Recruit and train liturgical ministers: lectors, Eucharistic Ministers of Communion, hospitality ministers and altar servers, etc.
Oversee the publishing of a weekly Sunday Bulletin that contains liturgy information for the day, ministers, and special events.
Shall obtain approval and Letter of Endorsement from the Archbishop of the Military Services USA.
Shall demonstrate reliability, good relational skills and the ability to serve on an ecumenical ministry team.
Shall be flexible and adjust on short notice and demands.
Have a Masters of Divinity or Masters of Theology from an accredited school of theology.
Shall be a priest in good standing with a Diocesan Bishop or Religious Community and have written permission to take a contract position.
Shall have an excellent knowledge of Catholic doctrines, ideas, liturgy, sacraments, church history, customs, practices, and organization of the Roman Catholic Church.