POSITION TITLE: Protestant Religious Education Coordinator (PREC)
SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITES: The PREC shall serve as the primary coordinator, facilitator, and organizer of all Protestant RE events and elements. Additionally, the PREC will teach pre-approved curriculum for Sunday children’s church service(s) and PWC children’s RE programs when volunteer(s) have not been coordinated.
Serve as the primary Protestant RE Line-of-Sight Supervisor for all events with childcare volunteers
Serve as the Volunteer Supervisor for all RE volunteers. The PREC will write position description for all RE volunteer positions and submit to the LPC via the PCC.
Attend Protestant Advisory Council (PAC) meetings as a non-voting member and brief the PAC on relevant RE issues.
Recruit, train, and supervise all Protestant RE volunteers
Recommend curriculum/programing for the next FY’s Protestant RE cycle to the LPC by 15 July of the current year.
Coordinate and facilitate the annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) and other special RE events as requested by the LPC. The PREC will recruit volunteers, register children, and promote the event(s).
Publicize all Protestant RE events via CLT approved means.
Plan the annual volunteer appreciation event.
Incorporate children and youth during holiday season for worship specials during WS(s) and special Protestant events ICW the Protestant Music Director and PCC.