Implement a spiritual formation curriculum for participants to support a sustainable emotional health and physical wellness.
In place of self-reliance, nurture a concern for others and the community.Deepenunderstanding of the importance of social values, integrity and the practical application of responsibility and accountability through Community Service.
To minister, teach and share faith with diverse traditions.
Evaluate participants'performance based upon how well they receive information and application.
Measure lesson plans' effectiveness using a statistical model based upon participants' evaluations.
Education & Qualifications:
Must be a member of a recognized sect of the Islamic faith community, proficient in the Arabic language, and possess a minimum of three years of documented, full-time experience as an Imam.
Hold a Bachelor’s degree in Islamic Studies, religious education, or a related field from an accredited institution.
Experience in working with adults in a classroom environment or similar. programs within a community setting where the emphasis is placed on practical life skills.