Job Title: Protestant Religious Education Coordinator
Based at: Vandenberg SFB, California
Requirements: The candidate must meet the following requirements:
Worker Requirements and Qualifications:
Have at minimum, a HS diploma and at least 1 year of experience coordinating spiritual formation programs.
Bachelor’s degree or relevant training, experience, or education is preferred.
Have a strong theological grasp of the Protestant faith, understanding multiple denominations, and have openness to a wide variety of faith expressions within the Protestant community.
Able to demonstrate the ability to clearly express the details of basic Christian doctrine.
Be able to recruit, train and maintain a volunteer base for programs.
Be able to perform word processing in Windows, to work with calendar programs, MS Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and show ability to work with other software programs if necessary.
Be able to resolve interpersonal conflicts and promote constructive working relations.
Maintain a respectful, positive, and spiritually sensitive environment. Must be able to work with Chapel staff members, all military personnel, Chapel volunteer lay leaders, and Chapel volunteers with diverse spiritual backgrounds.
Specific Tasks:
Serve as the Chaplain Corps Volunteer Supervisor for the Protestant RE Program.
Recruit, train, and supervise volunteers for all Protestant RE programs. Ensure all planned programs have adequate volunteer support, and the volunteer to child ratio is within Sanford regulations and Chapel Policy.
Create and maintain a master protestant RE volunteer list and contact information.
Provide initial and annual orientation & training for program volunteers.
Comply with all Sanford volunteer policy requirements as outlined on the Chapel SharePoint site.
Under the direction of the Wing Chaplain, or their designee, manage and coordinate the Protestant Community’s comprehensive Religious Education (RE) program. The program may include, but is not limited to: Sunday school, Children’s Church, AWANA, Vacation Bible School, and all other parish or ecumenical bible study/religious education programs.
Manage, coordinate & ensure RE program scheduling to include facility and purchase requests for all RE events. Ensure purchase requests are submitted to the Appropriated Fund (APF) Approving Official or Chapel Tithes & Offering (CTOF) Account Manager, as appropriate, no later than two weeks prior to event for approval.
Plan, advertise, coordinate, and offer at least one RE program for Women, Men, Youth and Children respectively, to the VSFB Protestant Community during the Fiscal Year (FY).
Plan and coordinate children's church lessons in conjunction with Protestant worship services.
Maintain records, statistical information, and reporting as required by applicable Air Force Instructions, Air Force Chaplain Corps and local policies. [Ex: program/event attendance & hours]
Attend Protestant worship services at least three times monthly (community visibility enables volunteer relationships).
Attend weekly or regular chapel staff meetings, and Protestant Advisory Council (PAC) meetings.
Attend weekly staff meetings, or other official meetings, as required by the Wing Chaplain, or their designee.
Plan, coordinate, and submit annual Protestant RE Budget Proposal and Activities Calendar for the following FY to the Wing Chaplain, or his designee, by 1 August.
Coordinate selection and procurement of RE curriculum, supplemental materials, and supplies with the Wing Chaplain’s designee.
Design and implement marketing campaign for RE programs in coordination with the Wing Chaplain’s designee.
Work in conjunction with the Catholic Religious Education Coordinator to plan, prepare and oordinate all ecumenical religious education programs.