The verbatim transcription character count shall be 65 characters per line (not including spaces) and 26 lines per page.
Name the transcript file with the same filename as the corresponding audio file.
Identify the participant ONLY by the provided ID number, NEVER by name or other personal information.
Identify each speaker in turn by starting the utterance with “Interviewer:” or “ID# .”
Note unintelligible or inaudible speech by brackets (e.g., [inaudible] or [?]).
Note emotional expressions by brackets (e.g., [laughing], [crying]).
Do NOT transcribe every breakthrough/interposed confirmatory utterance unless it is remarkable or meaningful (e.g., no need to transcribe when the interviewer quietly utters, “Mm-hmm” when listening to a participant’s response).
De-identify potentially identifying details with anonymous placeholders that retain meaningful contextual information, including people and place names. In particular:
Replace individual’s names with a first initial (eg Dr Sample becomes Dr S.)
Replace numerical digits with X’s in addresses and phone numbers.
Replace street and place names in the same manner as individual’s names (with an initial).
Major cities and larger units (ie states, regions and countries) can be left as spoken.
Bachelor’s degree in speech or language pathology, English, or related field
Able to pass background and reference check
5+ years experience as a transcriber, reporter or editor