Job Title: Protestant Religious Education Coordinator
Based at: Dover AFB, De
Requirements: The candidate must meet the following requirements:
Worker Requirements and Qualifications:
• Have at minimum, a HS diploma and at least 1 year of experience coordinating spiritual formation programs.
• Bachelor’s degree or relevant training, experience, or education is preferred.
• Have a strong theological grasp of the Protestant faith, understanding multiple denominations, and have openness to a wide variety of faith expressions within the Protestant community.
• Able to demonstrate the ability to clearly express the details of basic Christian doctrine.
• Be able to recruit, train and maintain a volunteer base for programs.
• Be able to perform word processing in Windows, to work with calendar programs, MS Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and show ability to work with other software programs if necessary.
• Be able to resolve interpersonal conflicts and promote constructive working relations.
• Maintain a respectful, positive, and spiritually sensitive environment. Must be able to work with Chapel staff members, all military personnel, Chapel volunteer lay leaders, and Chapel volunteers with diverse spiritual backgrounds.
Specific Tasks:
• Serve as the Chaplain Corps Volunteer Supervisor for the Protestant RE Program.
• Recruit, train, and supervise volunteers for all Protestant RE programs. Ensure all planned programs have adequate volunteer support, and the volunteer to child ratio is within Sanford regulations and Chapel Policy.
• Create and maintain a master protestant RE volunteer list and contact information.
• Provide initial and annual orientation & training for program volunteers.
• Comply with all Sanford volunteer policy requirements as outlined on the Chapel SharePoint site.
• Under the direction of the Wing Chaplain, or their designee, manage and coordinate the Protestant Community’s comprehensive Religious Education (RE) program. The program may include, but is not limited to: Sunday school, Children’s Church, AWANA, Vacation Bible School, and all other parish or ecumenical bible study/religious education programs.
• Manage, coordinate & ensure RE program scheduling to include facility and purchase requests for all RE events. Ensure purchase requests are submitted to the Appropriated Fund (APF) Approving Official or Chapel Tithes & Offering (CTOF) Account Manager, as appropriate, no later than two weeks prior to event for approval.
• Plan, advertise, coordinate, and offer at least one RE program for Women, Men, Youth and Children respectively, to the VSFB Protestant Community during the Fiscal Year (FY).
• Plan and coordinate children's church lessons in conjunction with Protestant worship services.
• Maintain records, statistical information, and reporting as required by applicable Air Force Instructions, Air Force Chaplain Corps and local policies. [Ex: program/event attendance & hours]
• Attend Protestant worship services at least three times monthly (community visibility enables volunteer relationships).
• Attend weekly or regular chapel staff meetings, and Protestant Advisory Council (PAC) meetings.
• Attend weekly staff meetings, or other official meetings, as required by the Wing Chaplain, or their designee.
• Plan, coordinate, and submit annual Protestant RE Budget Proposal and Activities Calendar for the following FY to the Wing Chaplain, or his designee, by 1 August.
• Coordinate selection and procurement of RE curriculum, supplemental materials, and supplies with the Wing Chaplain’s designee.
• Design and implement marketing campaign for RE programs in coordination with the Wing Chaplain’s designee.
• Work in conjunction with the Catholic Religious Education Coordinator to plan, prepare and coordinate all ecumenical religious education programs.