Airmen Ministry Center Fishbowl Coordinator

Keesler, MS
Part Time
Entry Level
Job Title: Airman Ministry Center Fishbowl Coordinator
Job Location: Keesler AFB, Triangle Chapel 
Job Type: Part Time - 35 hours per week
Job Summary: The Volunteer Program Coordinator manages the volunteer program lifecycle, focusing on recruitment, training, and recognition, while also coordinating facility operations and logistical support.

  • Volunteer Lifecycle Management: Oversee recruitment, training, and out-processing of volunteers.
  • Program Structure: Define unique roles for volunteers and maintain an updated roster.
  • Recognition Programs: Develop monthly and quarterly appreciation initiatives.
  • Standard Operating Procedures: Establish daily operation procedures, including shift management.
  • Facility Coordination: Ensure security and cleanliness of facilities, implementing key control measures.
  • Logistical Support: Coordinate marketing for events and maintain partnerships with base agencies.
  • Administrative Tasks: Provide monthly participation reports and attend planning meetings.
  • General Responsibilities: Maintain professional relationships, demonstrate a positive attitude, and uphold confidentiality.

  • Experience in a ministry leadership position.
  • At a minimum a bachelor’s degree in a ministry related field.
  • Relevant experience with current technology and social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, computer/phone/tablet applications, and group texting
  • Provide a letter of endorsement from current pastor/chaplain/ supervisor.

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