Jewish Rabbi

Butner, NC
Part Time

Job Title: Jewish Rabbi
Location: Butner , NC 27509


⦁    Jewish Rabbi will provide worship leadership and religious instruction for the Jewish inmate population at FFC Butner.
⦁    Provide instruction for the various Jewish holy days, dietary laws, and interpretation of the Torah.
⦁    The applicant shall cover all the general topics (Hannukah, Shabbat, Sukkot ...etc.).
⦁    Comply with limitations placed on the teaching of controversial subjects that potentially may lead to the radicalization of inmates.

Education & Qualifications:

⦁    The applicant must possess an ordination certification of like document showing they are a Rabbi, teacher, or Jewish spiritual leader in good standing with their faith community.
⦁    Possess, at a minimum, a Bachelor's Degree and Rabbinical Accreditation from a Jewish School of Theology.
⦁    Possess recognized experience in pastoral ministry.
⦁    Authorization to perform all the functions ordinarily required of a recognized Rabbi, and that the applicant is in good standing.
⦁    Recommendation from a local synagogue.



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