Suicide Prevention Trainer

Part Time
Entry Level

Job Title : Suicide Prevention Trainer

Location : Online

Job Type : Part-Time



The overall objective is to create a work force empowered to recognize and act on the signs and symptoms of suicide, thereby reducing its prevalence. Specific objectives for the training are to:


  • Increase awareness of the signs and risk factors of someone who may be suicidal,
  • Increase knowledge and confidence on assisting someone who may be suicidal,
  • Increase incidence of connecting someone who is suicidal to immediate help,
  • Decrease incidence of suicide among employees.


Education & Qualifications:

  • A bachelor's or master's degree in psychology, counseling, social work, public health, or a related field is typically preferred.
  • Possession of relevant certifications, such as ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Train Previous experience in mental health counseling, crisis intervention, teaching, public speaking, or community engagement is valuable.) or similar programs.
  • A deep understanding of mental health issues, suicide risk factors, warning signs, and evidence-based suicide prevention strategies is essential.
  • Excellent public speaking, presentation, and interpersonal skills are crucial for effectively conveying information, engaging participants, and facilitating discussions on sensitive topics.

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