Jewish Rabbi
Los Angeles, CA
Part Time
Mid Level
Job Title: Jewish Rabbi
Location: Los Angeles, CA
- Deliver Jewish Services and teach the Torah for participating inmates of the Jewish faith at the Federal Metropolitan Detention Center Los Angeles. Provide responses to religious inquires pertaining to the Jewish Faith tradition.
- Must be familiar, including but not limited to the following:
- Shabbat: Day of Rest
- Rosh Hashanah: The New Year, Shofar-blowing
- Yom Kippur: Day of Atonement
- Shavout
- Hannukah
- Pesach: the Exodus of the Jewish People
- Pesach: Rules of a Seder
- Sukkot
- Purim
- Tisha B’Av: Eicha
- Torah Reading: Trope
- ‘Mitzvot and Aveirot (Good and Bad Deeds)
- Tallit and Tefillin (more generally, ritual garb)
- Symbolism in Judaism
- Kabbalah: Jewish Mysticism
- Prayer in Judaism: Shacharit, Mincha and Maariv
- The Sh’ma (Hear O Israel
- Kashrut
- The Ten Commandments
- The Jewish Family
- The Many Books of Judaism
- Halakha (Jewish Law)
- Bar Mitzvah: the Jewish Concept of Adulthood
- Havdallah: Separating the Sabbath from the Rest of the Week
- Jewish Calendar
- The contractor is expected to wear professional clothing while on duty.
Education & Qualifications:
- Must possess an ordination certification or like document showing they are a Rabbi, or Jewish spiritual leader in good standing with their faith community.
- Must have a minimum of three years of documented, continuous experience as a Jewish spiritual leader with their faith community.
- Must possess at a minimum, a Baccalaureate Degree from an accredited college or university.
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