Fitness Instructor
North Charleston, SC
Part Time
Entry Level
Job Title: Fitness Instructor
location : North Charleston , SC 29405
Job Type : part-time
Hours of Operation : M-F 1700-1800 Each Class as scheduled not to exceed 10hrs each week.
Specific Tasks :
Basic Services:
Provide responsive coordination, management expertise and the sound system necessary to perform the aerobics instruction and exercise classes addressing the major, minor muscle groups of the human body to include but not limited to: Pilates, Cycle, Zumba, Body Sculpt, ABS, Functional Fitness and Yoga classes for students and staff at the FLETC.
Instruction Requirements :
The instructor shall be required to comply with the following:
- Arrive not less than 15 minutes prior to scheduled class time.
- Set-up classroom for aerobics classes (Exercise equipment, music, training materials and any handouts are in place, available, and ready for the interested users to participate.)
- Prepare and complete participant logs for each class taught to include class name, date and time of class, number of students and staff participants. The participant logs shall document the services performed and is required to be submitted for vendor payment.
- Properly dispose of any waste products or materials generated during class operation.
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