Jewish Rabbi
Los Angeles, CA
Part Time
Mid Level
Job Title: :Jewish Rabbi
Location : :Los Angeles , CA
The applicant must be familiar, including but not limited to the following:
- * Shabbat: Day of Rest
- * Rosh Hashanah: The New Year, Shofar-blowing
- * Yom Kippur: Day of Atonement
- * Shavout
- * Hannukah
- * Pesach: the Exodus of the Jewish People
- * Pesach: Rules of a Sede
- * Sukkot
- * Purim
- * Tisha B’Av: Eicha
- * Torah Reading: Trope
- * ‘Mitzvot and Aveirot (Good and Bad Deeds)
- * Tallit and Tefillin (more generally, ritual garb)
- * Symbolism in Judaism
- * Kabbalah: Jewish Mysticism
- * Prayer in Judaism: Shacharit, Mincha and Maariv
- * The Sh’ma (Hear O Israel
- * Kashrut
- * The Ten Commandments
- * The Jewish Family
- * The Many Books of Judaism
- * Halakha (Jewish Law)
- * Bar Mitzvah: the Jewish Concept of Adulthood
- * Havdallah: Separating the Sabbath from the Rest of the Week
- * Jewish Calendar
Qualifications :
- The applicant must have a minimum of three years of documented, continuous experience as a Jewish spiritual leader with their faith community
- The applicant must possess at a minimum, a Baccalaureate Degree from an accredited college or university.
- The applicant must possess an ordination certification or like document showing they are a Rabbi, or Jewish spiritual leader in good standing with their faith community.
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