Remote Medical Physicist

(Multiple states)
Part Time
Job title: Remote Medical Physicist
Schedule: 20 hours a week.
  • 20 years minimum clinical experience in state-of-the-art radiotherapy.
  • Possession of a PhD specializing in Brachytherapy, External Beam Therapy, and Radiopharmaceutical therapy.
  • Board certification in Therapeutic Medical Physics.
  • Proven track record working with Patient Safety Organizations (PSO) of AHRQ.
  • In-depth knowledge of regulatory requirements for safe radiation used in cancer treatments.

  • Web-based review of each reported incident, on-line communication with the reporter to get supplemental information to complete incident analysis and create a patient safety work product (PSWP) that includes the corrective action plan for the submitter.
  • Participate in regularly scheduled calls with the service chiefs, medical physicists, radiation therapists/dosimetrists to provide a report on lessons-learnt from the reported incidents since the preceding call.
  • Generate quarterly newsletter highlighting lessons-learnt from reported incidents. In addition, prepare a quarterly report on RIRAS for the National Radiation Safety Committee (NRSC) of VA
  • Regularly communicate with ROS to address their questions regarding RIRAS. Set up regular virtual office hour (1hour/week) for end-users. 

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